On this page, you’ll find links to safety information, including manuals, policies and related documents.
For suggestions on improving our pages or safety information, please contact us.
The Safety Coordinating Committee (SCC), its members and Chairman are appointed by the Chancellor, and shall act as the administrative body for coordination and/or implementation of the Safety Management Program campus wide. The Safety Management Program provides patients, faculty, staff and visitors with an environment free from recognized safety and health hazards both by promoting staff activities that reduce the risk of injuries and illnesses and by fostering an accident and injury preventive culture.
The Enviroment of Care Safety Management Plan addresses specific responsibilities and employee education programs.
These and other elements of the Safety Management Plan are all directed toward managing the activities of the employees so the risk of injuries to patients, visitors and employees are reduced, and employees can respond appropriately in emergencies.
The Safety Management Plan addresses specific responsibilities and employee education programs.
The Security Management Plan establishes the parameters within which a safe and secure environment of care is established, maintained and improved for the UAMS campus. This plan addresses specific responsibilities, general security and related employee education programs.
The Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan establishes the parameters within which hazardous materials and waste are handled, stored and disposed of at UAMS.
This plan addresses administrative issues such as maintaining chemical inventories, storage, handling and use of hazardous materials, exposure monitoring, reporting requirements, specific responsibilities, and employee education programs.
The Fire Prevention and Life Safety Management Plan establishes the parameters within which a safe and secure environment of care is established, maintained and approved for UAMS.
Fire Prevention and Life Safety are established to ensure that employees are educated, trained, and tested in the fire prevention and life safety features of the physical environment and are able to react to a variety of emergency situations that may affect the safety of occupants or the delivery of health care.
The Medical Equipment Management Plan establishes the parameters to ensure medical equipment is maintained for safe use at UAMS.
Senior management of UAMS recognizes the need for the comprehensive clinical equipment management program managed by Clinical Engineering to ensure that all patients and employees are supported in their use of medical equipment, devices, and technology.
The Engineering and Operations department is responsible for minimizing risks associated with utility systems, and responding to emergencies in the environment of care on the UAMS campus.
Engineering and Operations consists of facility managers, engineers, licensed Technicians, Craftsmen and qualified support staff.
On this page, you’ll find links to safety information, including manuals, policies and related documents.
For suggestions on improving our pages or safety information, please contact us.
The Safety Coordinating Committee (SCC), its members and Chairman are appointed by the Chancellor, and shall act as the administrative body for coordination and/or implementation of the Safety Management Program campus wide. The Safety Management Program provides patients, faculty, staff and visitors with an environment free from recognized safety and health hazards both by promoting staff activities that reduce the risk of injuries and illnesses and by fostering an accident and injury preventive culture.
The Enviroment of Care Safety Management Plan addresses specific responsibilities and employee education programs.
These and other elements of the Safety Management Plan are all directed toward managing the activities of the employees so the risk of injuries to patients, visitors and employees are reduced, and employees can respond appropriately in emergencies.
The Safety Management Plan addresses specific responsibilities and employee education programs.
The Security Management Plan establishes the parameters within which a safe and secure environment of care is established, maintained and improved for the UAMS campus. This plan addresses specific responsibilities, general security and related employee education programs.
The Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan establishes the parameters within which hazardous materials and waste are handled, stored and disposed of at UAMS.
This plan addresses administrative issues such as maintaining chemical inventories, storage, handling and use of hazardous materials, exposure monitoring, reporting requirements, specific responsibilities, and employee education programs.
The Fire Prevention and Life Safety Management Plan establishes the parameters within which a safe and secure environment of care is established, maintained and approved for UAMS.
Fire Prevention and Life Safety are established to ensure that employees are educated, trained, and tested in the fire prevention and life safety features of the physical environment and are able to react to a variety of emergency situations that may affect the safety of occupants or the delivery of health care.
The Medical Equipment Management Plan establishes the parameters to ensure medical equipment is maintained for safe use at UAMS.
Senior management of UAMS recognizes the need for the comprehensive clinical equipment management program managed by Clinical Engineering to ensure that all patients and employees are supported in their use of medical equipment, devices, and technology.
The Engineering and Operations department is responsible for minimizing risks associated with utility systems, and responding to emergencies in the environment of care on the UAMS campus.
Engineering and Operations consists of facility managers, engineers, licensed Technicians, Craftsmen and qualified support staff.
OH&S develops and makes available the UAMS Asbestos Management Plan.
The Safety Management Plan addresses specific responsibilities and employee education programs.
The biosafety manual provides campus-wide safety guidelines, policies and procedures for the use and manipulation of biohazards. Although the implementation of these procedures is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI), its success depends largely on the combined efforts of laboratory supervisors and employees.
Control of infectious diseases that result in production of infectious blood and/or body fluids is of special concern in the hospital setting. In some cases, such as with viral hepatitis, control is hampered by the reservoir of subclinical but potentially infectious patients existing in the hospital population.
Recently AIDS has come to the forefront as a concern among hospital personnel and this disease along with a variety of others should all be handled with strict adherence to Universal/Standard Precaution as outlined in the CDC guidelines and the Infection Control Manual.
Instructions on what to do in an event of a blood & body fluid splash.
Instructions on what to do in an event of a bomb threat or a suspicious package.
Instruction on performing the provisions of the Chemical Hygiene Plan for the protections of employees and students.
Procedures on employing the Chemical Hygiene Plan outlined in the Administrative Policy 11.4.19.
All chemotherapy material generated during its preparation, use, or from spill clean-up operations must be managed appropriately and disposed of in specifically designated containers in accordance with applicable regulations and standards.
Policy on the safe use, handling, transport and storage of compressed gases.
Policy on safety standards for using cytotoxic materials at UAMS.
In accordance with state and federal recommendation, UAMS utilizes a rigid, puncture-resistant and leak-proof disposal system for needles, syringes, etc.
This system does not incorporate cutting, bending or other manipulations that create a potential hazard for injury and generation of aerosols or splatters of contaminated fluids
The purpose of this policy is to prescribe the policy and procedures which apply to safety associated with the general use of electricity, patient-owned medical equipment/devices and personal appliances.
The purpose of this policy is to prescribe the policy and procedures which apply to safety associated with the general use of electricity, patient-owned medical equipment/devices and personal appliances.
When situations that affect life, property, safety or normal business operations occur, UAMS opens its Emergency Operations Center (EOC), a command and communications facility that enables trained personnel to assess, monitor and respond to emergencies.
The EOC employs the Incident Command System (ICS), a standardized command, control and response coordination approach to emergencies. Because this component of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) can be tailored for incidents of all types and magnitudes, it's used around the United States.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments at UAMS of the procedures to be followed for emergency medical response in designated areas.
In the event of an emergency situation requiring a secured campus an Active Shooter a Campus Lockdown Alert will be issued.
Hospital personnel (especially those having direct patient contact) are not only at risk of acquiring infections from patients but are also a possible source of infection for patients, other employees and their own families.
The objective of the Employee Health/Student Preventive Health Services Department (EH/SPHS) is to help minimize and/or control these risks through an active program of health counseling, immunizations, health record maintenance and management of job related illnesses or exposures to infectious diseases.
The purpose of this policy is to appropriately identify, place, and/or provide a latex safe environment and periodically followup employees with latex allergy, and to prevent allergic reactions to latex among susecptible employees.
All UAMS employees have the potential for exposure to physical, chemical, biological, and radiological agents. The type and amount varies with job title, tasks performed, and materials used.
It is the purpose of this policy to notify departments within the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) of procedures to be followed to recognize, evaluate, and control employee exposure to physical, chemical, biological, and radiological agents.
The Exposure Control Plan is designed to protect the employees of UAMS from health hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens and to provide appropriate treatment and counseling in the case exposure occurs.
The Exposure Control Plan Part II (Methods of Compliance) is designed to protect the employees of UAMS from health hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens and to provide appropriate treatment and counseling in the case exposure occurs.
Since medical history and examination cannot reliably identify all patients infected with HIV, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C, or other blood borne infections, “Universal/Standard Precautions” when handling blood and body fluids shall be consistently used for all patients.
Students, residents and employees (hereafter known as health care worker) shall not be permitted by their supervisors to draw blood or perform invasive procedures until their skills have reached a satisfactory level of proficiency.
This policy is to insure that acquisitions of all UAMS furnishings, draperies, interior decorations, waste containers and other materials satisfy Arkansas Fire Prevention and National Fire Protection Association Code requirements.
This policy intends to reduce the risks associated with toxic by-products produced by burning materials, and to diminish the level of exposure to patients, visitors, students and employees in the event of a fire or smoke situation.
The purpose of this policy is to outline general procedures to be followed in the event of fire so that staff, employees and students will know what is expected of them in a fire and/or smoke situation to establish fire prevention procedures that will reduce the likelihood of a fire emergency.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments at UAMS of the procedures to be followed when communicating information regarding the hazards of chemicals used in the workplace.
This policy is to notify departments at UAMS of the procedures to be followed to prevent hazardous chemicals from being left in areas that have been vacated for renovation purposes or re-occupation by another staff member.
UAMS is committed to providing a safe work environment for all UAMS employees. In keeping with this commitment, UAMS has implemented the Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Plan which describes the management and constitutes the methods of compliance and is intended to ensure compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations.
The Hazardous Waste Management Plan is intended to provide instructions for UAMS faculty and staff in the management of hazardous waste. Information contained in this manual is applicable to all University divisions, centers, schools, and departments.
Since laboratory work frequently produces an unpredictable variety of wastes, much of the information provided within this document specifically addresses laboratory waste disposal.
The purpose of this policy is to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens, specifically HIV and HBV to patients, from healthcare workers who are infectious.
The purpose of this policy is to inform departments at UAMS of the procedures for the safe use of holiday decorations by faculty, staff, patients, students and visitors on the UAMS campus.
The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for reporting all employee/student incidents and injuries in a timely manner.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments at UAMS of the procedures that will be followed to ensure an acceptable indoor environment and the procedures that will be followed when an Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) concern is reported.
IEQ concerns are those related to air quality and other environmental factors (noise, lighting, etc.) in the workplace.
The primary purpose of the Infection Prevention and Control Manual is to establish guidelines to follow in the prevention and control of spread of contagious infections or communicable diseases.
To inform departments at UAMS of the procedures to be followed in the use of hazardous materials on the UAMS campus.
The UAMS Laboratory Safety Manual (Non-Clinical) serves as a tool to provide information to the University Community on minimal safety procedures required in campus laboratories. The information contained within this manual when paired with appropriate training should enable faculty, staff and students to avoid injuries, illnesses, and destruction of University property while working in their laboratory.
This manual is for the purpose of training on the safe use and proper operation of lasers by a certified laser operator.
This policy establishes the authority necessary to implement a safety management program that supports the UAMS commitment to provide a safe and healthy environment for patients, visitors and staff.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for managing blood and body fluid exposure to staff and students.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all laboratory employees at UAMS. Laboratory workers include classified and unclassified personnel, graduate students, and student employees.
UAMS has developed a policy that implements the Federal OSHA Lab Safety Standard 29 CFR 1910.1450. This standard applies to all UAMS on campus facilities engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. Although not officially covered by OSHA standards, we strongly urge the colleges to adopt this plan for students in laboratory settings.
This policy outlines responsibilities of officers while guarding prisoner/patient at UAMS Medical Center.
It is the policy of UAMS to follow all applicable state and federal regulations to ensure the safety of its employees. UAMS will assist pregnant employees in managing their radiation exposure to help ensure that occupational exposures do not exceed Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) regulatory limits.
No employee shall be discharged, transferred, or otherwise have their employment affected without their agreement solely because they are pregnant. Employees can be required to perform the essential functions of their positions as a condition of continuing their employment.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized approach regarding communication and response of recalled medical devices and supplies.
Since medical history and examination cannot reliably identify all patients infected with HIV, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C, or other blood borne infections, “Universal/Standard Precautions” when handling blood and body fluids shall be consistently used for all patients.
Students, residents and employees (hereafter known as health care worker) shall not be permitted by their supervisors to draw blood or perform invasive procedures until their skills have reached a satisfactory level of proficiency.
This procedure outlines the process for the inventory and inspection of radiation protection devices (aprons, shields, gloves) at UAMS.
The purpose of the UAMS Radiation Safety Manual is to assist both personnel and management in complying with the objectives of the Arkansas Department of Health, Radiation Control regulations and the UAMS Radiation Safety Committee.
This Manual is not intended to be an exhaustive or fully comprehensive reference, but rather a guide for authorized users or other technically qualified individuals.
The purpose of this policy is to inform departments within UAMS of the procedures to be followed in the procurement, receipt, storage and transfer of radioactive materials at UAMS campus.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments within UAMS of the procedures to be followed in the removal, disposal, and/or transfer of equipment that has been used in conjunction with radioactive materials.
This equipment may contain radioactive contamination or may contain an internal radioactive calibration source. Equipment which may be affected by this policy, but not limited to, is: liquid scintillation counters, gamma counters, centrifuges, vacuum pumps, refrigerators, freezers, water baths, gel dryers, ovens, incubators, fume hoods, and biological hoods.
To limit the exposure of individuals to radioactive contamination by ensuring that all equipment which leaves the UAMS campus has been appropriately decontaminated.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments within UAMS of the procedures to be followed in the removal, disposal, and/or transfer of equipment that has been used in conjunction with radioactive materials.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that UAMS respiratory protection practices and procedures are in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.
This program describes the procedures for identifying airborne hazards, selecting and using proper respirators, maintenance and care of respirators, medical evaluations of employees, fit testing of respirators, training, and record keeping requirements.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized approach regarding the reporting of unsafe and defective medical devices in compliance with the Safe Medical Device Act of 1990.
Smoking and the use of tobacco products (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco and other tobacco products) by employees, faculty, students, patients, and visitors are prohibited on all properties of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments at UAMS of the procedures to be followed in the identification and removal from service of those items or equipment and furniture which may cause injury to patients, visitors, students and employees.
The purpose of this policy is to inform departments at UAMS of the procedures concerning the introduction of space heaters into UAMS facilities by faculty and staff. All space heaters must be approved for use prior to being placed into service.
The safety of patients, visitors, students, and employees is critical to the UAMS mission. As such, UAMS shall require medical screening and evaluation of HCP and Special Program Participants to minimize the threat of infectious disease exposure to patients, visitors, students, and employees.
The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform procedures and guidelines to be followed by employees of UAMS in the case of injury, illness or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of their employment.
All employees of the University are entitled to benefits under the provisions of the Arkansas Workers' Compensation law. All UAMS workers' compensation claims are processed and submitted through the Office of Human Resources (OHR) to the State's carrier, the Public Employees Claims Division of the Workers' Compensation Commission. Workers' Compensation packets are available from OHR and contain all the pertinent forms with instructions for completion.
Employees will be assisted in returning to work as soon as possible while considering any physician defined limitations.
UAMS is committed to providing a safe environment for patients, students, visitors and employees. Violence committed or threatened on any UAMS site or by any employee functioning within the scope of his or her employment shall not be tolerated.
The SDS Online portal is a safety data sheet management system containing safety data sheets (SDS) for chemicals used at UAMS. Users also have access to MSDSonline's database of millions of SDS through the MSDSonline Search function.
3E Company actively and proudly provides a variety of resources to the EH&S community to inform EH&S professionals on the latest issues and topics affecting the EH&S profession.
The Resource Center is designed to help EH&S professionals identify best practices for managing compliance information. This is where we also share our knowledge on new and changing standards and regulations.
To locate a Safety Data Sheet:
National Diagnostics Safety Datasheets. Click on the SDS+ top menu option at the top of the web page.
Pathogen Safety Data Sheets (PSDSs) are technical documents that describe the hazardous properties of a human pathogen and provide recommendations for work involving these agents in a laboratory setting.
These documents have been produced by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) as educational and information resources for laboratory personnel working with infectious substances.
The biosafety manual provides campus-wide safety guidelines, policies and procedures for the use and manipulation of biohazards. Although the implementation of these procedures is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI), its success depends largely on the combined efforts of laboratory supervisors and employees.
When situations that affect life, property, safety or normal business operations occur, UAMS opens its Emergency Operations Center (EOC), a command and communications facility that enables trained personnel to assess, monitor and respond to emergencies.
The EOC employs the Incident Command System (ICS), a standardized command, control and response coordination approach to emergencies. Because this component of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) can be tailored for incidents of all types and magnitudes, it's used around the United States.
The Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan establishes the parameters within which hazardous materials and waste are handled, stored and disposed of at UAMS.
This plan addresses administrative issues such as maintaining chemical inventories, storage, handling and use of hazardous materials, exposure monitoring, reporting requirements, specific responsibilities, and employee education programs.
The primary purpose of the Infection Prevention and Control Manual is to establish guidelines to follow in the prevention and control of spread of contagious infections or communicable diseases.
The Laboratory Safety Brochure contains procedures, contact numbers and information for Chemical, Biohazard, Radiation, Enviromental and Fire Safety.
The UAMS Laboratory Safety Manual (Non-Clinical) serves as a tool to provide information to the University Community on minimal safety procedures required in campus laboratories. The information contained within this manual when paired with appropriate training should enable faculty, staff and students to avoid injuries, illnesses, and destruction of University property while working in their laboratory.
This manual is for the purpose of training on the safe use and proper operation of lasers by a certified laser operator.
The purpose of the UAMS Radiation Safety Manual is to assist both personnel and management in complying with the objectives of the Arkansas Department of Health, Radiation Control regulations and the UAMS Radiation Safety Committee.
This Manual is not intended to be an exhaustive or fully comprehensive reference, but rather a guide for authorized users or other technically qualified individuals.
The purpose of this policy is to notify departments within UAMS of the procedures to be followed in the removal, disposal, and/or transfer of equipment that has been used in conjunction with radioactive materials.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that UAMS respiratory protection practices and procedures are in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.
This program describes the procedures for identifying airborne hazards, selecting and using proper respirators, maintenance and care of respirators, medical evaluations of employees, fit testing of respirators, training, and record keeping requirements.