General Parking Information
Parking information for all who park on the UAMS campus
General Parking Information
Parking information for all who park on the UAMS campus
Employee Parking Information
Parking information for UAMS employees who park on the UAMS campus
Employee Parking Information
Parking information for UAMS employees who park on the UAMS campus
Student Parking Information
Parking information for UAMS students that attend classes on the UAMS campus
Student Parking Information
Parking information for UAMS students that attend classes on the UAMS campus
Patient & Visitor Information
Parking information for our patients and visitors
Patient & Visitor Information
Parking information for our patients and visitors
UAMS Parking Information
UAMS Parking Information
Parking Office Contact Information
- UAMS Parking Operations is located at the Central Building, Room 3D29.
- Our office hours are 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- You may contact us at 501-526-PARK, or email us at .
We strive to maintain a safe parking environment through collaborative efforts with stakeholders. Referenced below are security initiatives currently in place. If you notice suspicious activity in the deck, please call the UAMS Police Department at 501-686-7777.
- Surveys to assure lighting meets UAMS Campus standards of 0.4 lumens on lots and 2.0 lumens inside parking decks
- Emergency phones are indicated with blue lights on each parking level
- Gated Access
- UAMS Police Department patrols the UAMS lots and decks regularly
Employee vehicles parked in visitor area or vehicles without a proper decal or temporary pass will be issued parking citations. Parking is enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please be courteous to our patient and guests while driving in the parking deck. Many of them are entering the deck for the first time and are unfamiliar with the environment.
ADA Accessible parking applications will be considered separately. There is a ADA Accessible checkbox on the Parking Application form.
All requests for ADA Accessible parking accompanied with an official state issued Persons With Disabilities placard will bypass the waiting list and is eligible for an immediate parking assignment. The rate structure is the same for ADA Accessible parking as Non-ADA accessible parking.
There's also free parking at the Ray Winder Field and War Memorial Stadium. All UAMS Shuttle buses are wheelchair accessible.
When the shuttle is not running, after hours parking is provided for free in parking Lots 1 and 1A. Employees and students with disabilities with an after hours parking decal may also park on the top level of Parking 2 deck upon request. For specific needs, please contact the Parking Operations office.
Employee & Student Motorcycle Parking Information
- Employees and students approved for motorcycle parking should register their motorcycle with Parking Operations. We ask that the UAMS parking decal be properly displayed to avoid receiving a parking citation.
- The decal should be placed on the right front fork of the motorcycle.
Parking Lot & Deck Access for Motorcycles
- The motorcycle areas are located on D-Level of Parking 2, under the carport behind Family Medical Center, the marked areas in Parking 1 and the striped areas in Parking 3. Motorcycles should park in motorcycle marked areas or non vehicle areas only.
- Gate sensors have difficulty detecting motorcycles and similar vehicles. Please exercise caution around moving gate arms.
During inclement weather, Parking Operations will communicate the parking and shuttle plans related to the weather event through UAMS communications.
Please note that the raising of the entrance gates to parking decks are not directly related to the campus declaration of the Inclement Weather Policy.
Announcements are posted on,,, campus digital signs and by email to employees and students. Announcements will link to, which has the inclement weather policies and campus snow routes.
Please follow this link for current UAMS inclement weather announcements and information: UAMS Current Alerts & Inclement Weather Information.
UAMS police will issue citations to any employees caught smoking on the UAMS campus, including those found smoking in parked vehicles. Patients and visitors caught smoking will be warned that it is illegal to smoke on the UAMS campus.
UAMS police also will send the names of employees violating the smoking policy to the Office of Human Resources for disciplinary action.
UAMS has been a smoke-free campus since 2004. Under the Arkansas Clean Indoor Air Act of 2006,it is illegal to smoke inside state buildings and most public places, including hospitals. The Arkansas Clean Air on Campus Act of 2009 made it illegal to smoke on the campuses of state-supported institutions of higher education, including UAMS. Violators of that law are subject to ticketing and fines between $100 and $500.
UAMS police will issue tickets to those employees who are caught smoking on campus. (See campus map)
UAMS police will send those tickets to the Little Rock District Court's Environmental Division, where a judge will set the fine amount. The fines will be paid to the City of Little Rock. UAMS does not receive any revenue from enforcing this state law.
Please remember to lock your vehicle and keep valuables out of direct view. Owner is responsible for any loss due to fire, theft or any other damage.
Employee Parking Information
Employee Parking Information
Parking Security
Free parking is available any time at the Ray Winder Field and Rick's Armory lots. The War Memorial lot is available Monday-Friday excluding previously scheduled events. Free shuttle service is available from these lots to the campus.
- Current shuttle stops, routes and times are available on the UAMS Shuttles with Maps page.
- Shuttle service is available from 4:30 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. and can be contacted at 501-779-3616
- For shuttle transportation after 11:30 p.m., please contact the UAMS Police Department at 501-686-7777
- Locate the shuttle bus - Live UAMS Shuttle Locater
- Patient/Visitor parking is reserved for UAMS patients and their guests. Employees are not permitted to park in these areas unless they are on campus as a patient or visiting a UAMS patient.
- Employees with a clinic appointment as a patient or who are visiting a friend or relative receiving inpatient care should call 501-526-PARK and provide your vehicle information or submit a Do Not Ticket Me request to avoid receiving a parking citation.
Bicycle Racks (Campus Parking Map)
- Campus Drive/ED II building
- I Dodd Wilson building (north side)
- Residence Hall
- Emergency Department
- Lot 2 at Jones Eye Institute
- Lot 5 at Biomedical Research II building
Good Neighbor Policy
Park in designated UAMS parking areas.
- Free shuttle service to and from campus.
- Do not block driveways or curb cuts.
- Do not block garbage cans or yard debris from city pick up.
UAMS Police Department
Emergency Phones are indicated by a solid or flashing blue light and provides a direct line to the UAMS Police Department.
- If you see anything suspicious or need assistance from a UAMS Officer, use one of the emergency phones.
- Additional assistance is available by contacting the UAMS Police Department at 501-686-7777
UAMS Parking Operations
- Call 501-526-PARK or email us at
- UAMS Parking Operations is located at the Central Building, Room 3D29.
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Student Parking Information
Student Parking Information
Parking Security
Free parking is available any time at the Ray Winder Field and Rick's Armory lots. The War Memorial Stadium lot is available Monday-Friday excluding previously scheduled events. Free shuttle service is available from these lots to the campus.
- Current shuttle stops, routes and times are available on the UAMS Shuttles with Maps page.
- Shuttle service is available from 4:30 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. and can be contacted at 501-779-3616
- For shuttle transportation after 11:30 p.m., please contact the UAMS Police Department at 501-686-7777
- Locate the shuttle bus - Live UAMS Shuttle Locater
- Patient/Visitor parking is reserved for UAMS patients and their guests. Students are not permitted to park in these areas unless they are on campus as a patient or visiting a UAMS patient.
- Students with a clinic appointment as a patient or who are visiting a friend or relative receiving inpatient care should call 501-526-PARK and provide your vehicle information to avoid receiving a parking citation.
Additional Student Parking
(Campus Parking Map)
Student evening parking is available on the A level of the Parking 2 deck.
- The fee is $21.00 per year (available student credits may be applied towards fee).
- You must register for this parking area and a parking decal is required.
- Student ID badge access after 4:30 p.m. and 24 hours on weekends & UAMS observed holidays. Students should exit the parking deck prior to 8 a.m.
Bicycle Racks (Campus Parking Map)
- Campus Drive/ED II building
- I Dodd Wilson building (north side)
- Residence Hall
- Emergency Department
- Lot 2 at Jones Eye Institute
- Lot 5 at Biomedical Research II building
Good Neighbor Policy
Park in designated UAMS parking areas.
- Free shuttle service to and from campus.
- Do not block driveways or curb cuts.
- Do not block garbage cans or yard debris from city pick up.
UAMS Police Department
Emergency Phones are indicated by a solid or flashing blue light and provides a direct line to the UAMS Police Department.
- If you see anything suspicious or need assistance from a UAMS Officer, use one of the emergency phones.
- Additional assistance is available by contacting the UAMS Police Department at 501-686-7777
UAMS Parking Operations
- Call 501-526-PARK or email us at
- UAMS Parking Operations is located at the Central Building, Room 3D29.
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Employee Parking Rates
Employee Parking Rates
UAMS assures there are free parking options available to all employees. Closer parking opportunities are available for a fee and most of these areas have a waiting list. Fair and efficient parking assignments are made through collaborative effort with Parking Assignment Committee.
Parking is a finite resource and it is important to maximize facility utilization to best serve our patients, guests, and employees. It is an industry best practice to overbook parking areas to maximize facilities utilization. It is our goal to maximize facilities utilization while keeping overfills to a minimum. Parking areas at times, will over fill and an alternate parking location will be made available.
According to Parking Operations policies and procedures, employees that transfers from an off campus location to the main campus are eligible to bypass the general waiting list based on the original date of hire. Significant transfers across campus are eligible for a parking re-assignment if the move is considered significant. Please note that the hire date, distance and parking availability are determining factors in the approval process. Please contact Parking Operations for assistance with transfers.
Parking trades are reviewed individually and approved if determined the trade is fair and equitable to both parties as well as those currently on the waiting lists. Length of both waiting lists are determining factors in approving a parking trade. Please complete the Parking Trade Form and submit to for review. If approved both parties must visit the Parking Office together to finalize the trade. Please note both parties must remain employed at UAMS (main campus) for 60 days after trade is finalized or parking trade can be revoked.
Please be courteous to our patient and guests while driving in the deck. Many of them are entering the deck for the first time and are unfamiliar with the environment.
UAMS employees and students must complete a Parking Application. All decks and most lots will have a waiting list. Applications are added to the waiting list by receipt of application date. Please check your Parking Application Status to view your current waiting list ranking.
Employees or students who are ineligible for payroll deduction must pay for a minimum of six months in advance when they receive a parking assignment.
Available Free Option (Located between Parking 2 and Markham St.)
The Gate opens at 4:30 PM for entry and closes at 4:30 AM. Vehicles without a permit should exit the lot by 7:15 AM to avoid receiving a citation. This lot is also open 24hours on weekends and UAMS observed holidays.
Available Free Option (Located south of Plateau Street)
Available at 4:30 PM. Vehicles without a permit should exit the lot by 7:15 AM to avoid receiving a citation. This lot is also open 24hours on weekends and UAMS observed holidays.
Available Free Option Lot near Old State Mental health Clinic / Corner of Hooper and 7th
Available at 4:30 PM. Vehicles without a permit should exit the lot by 7:15 AM to avoid receiving a citation. This lot is also open 24hours on weekends and UAMS observed holidays.
Available Free Option (Located north of Central Building)
Weekday evenings the east entrance gate (off of Jack Stephens Drive) opens at 9:30 PM for entry and closes at 2:00 AM. Vehicles without a permit should exit the deck by 7:30 AM to avoid receiving a citation. The east entrance gate is also open 24hours on weekends and UAMS observed holidays.
Employee Open Lot Parking Rates (24 hour access)
Employee Open Lot Parking Rates (24 hour access)
BioMed Reserved
Distribution Center Reserved
Lot 1
Lot 4 - Distribution Center
Lot 5
Lot 7 - Ed South
Lot 7E
Lot 11 Reserved
Lot 15
Lot 16
Lot 17
Lot 21 - Primary Data Center
Employee Deck Parking Rates (24 hour access)
Employee Deck Parking Rates (24 hour access)
Parking 1 Emp
Parking 2 A Level
Parking 2 Emp
Parking 2 Open Reserved B Level
Parking 2 Reserved H/C D Level
Parking 3 Emp
Employee Deck Parking Rates (Evenings and Weekends)
Employee Deck Parking Rates (Evenings and Weekends)
Parking 1 Evening
Parking 2 Evening
Parking 2 Weekend 3-Day
Parking 3 Evening
Student Parking Rates
Student Parking Rates
Students may park at Ray Winder Field or at the War Memorial Stadium and ride the shuttle bus to the UAMS campus.
Student Evening Parking is available on Parking 2 - A Level (4:30pm to 8:00am weekdays and all hours on weekends/holidays; decal is required. Student Evening Parking decals are included with Student Parking and Transportation Fees.
We have included a list of the most Commonly Asked Questions relating to student parking for your convenience.
UAMS students must complete a Parking Application form before a parking decal is issued. Students who are ineligible for payroll deduction must pay for a minimum of six months in advance when they receive a parking assignment.
Please Note: Nearly all decks and lots have a waiting list. Please click on the Parking Application Status from the side menu to view the most current waiting list. Applications are added to the waiting list by receipt and application date in the Parking Operations office.
Lot 14 - Dorm Resident Parking
Lot 19 - Dorm Resident Parking
Contractor Parking Rates
Contrator Parking Rates
Long term contractor parking in each area is subject to space availability. Once all available long term parking spaces have been assigned, applicants will be moved to a waiting list.
Note: A completed Contractor Application is required for long term parking.
1B Reserved Area
Contractor Dwyer Drive
Contractor Lot
Contractor Lot 17
Contractor Visitors Area
UAMS Shuttles with Maps Information
UAMS Shuttles with Maps Information
Parking Operations manages the UAMS shuttle system. Our goal is to provide convenient and efficient shuttle service for our customers. Standard shuttle service is provided Monday-Friday from 4:30 a.m. 11:45 p.m. The available UAMS Shuttle routes and times are listed below.
- Night Shuttle service is available by calling 501-779-3616. This route does not run continuously. The shuttle parks in front of the main Hospital and runs based on customer need until 11:45 p.m. Should the need to be shuttled arise after 11:45 pm, please contact the UAMS Police Department at 501-686-7777.
- All routes are in service Monday-Friday. Shuttle buses are not in service during weekends and holidays but several options are available for employees who work during those times. Please contact the UAMS Parking Operations for more information.

UAMS 4:30 a.m. Sprinter Shuttle
Service (4:30 a.m.-6 a.m.)Please park at Ray Winder and the driver will take you to any stop.
Note: This is the only shuttle option prior to 6 a.m.

Ray Winder Express Shuttle
Peak Shuttle Service (6 a.m.-9 a.m. & 3 p.m.-5:30 p.m.)Services 7th Street, Shuffield Drive, Hooper Drive to Hospital & ED II back to Ray Winder via Markham Street.

War Memorial Express Shuttle
Peak Shuttle Service (6 a.m.-9 a.m. & 3 p.m.-5:30 p.m.)Services Hooper Drive to Hospital & ED II back to War Memorial via Markham Street.

Rick's Armory Shuttle
Peak Shuttle Service (6:45 a.m.-9 a.m. & 3 p.m.-5:30 p.m.)Services 7th Street and Jack Stephens Drive

UAMS Express Shuttle
Shuttle Service (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)Services both Ray Winder & War Memorial, 7th Street to Hospital, ED II & back via Markham Street.

UAMS Sprinter Shuttle
Service (9 a.m.-3 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.)Services the entire campus.
UAMS Parking Location Maps And Information
UAMS Parking Location Maps & Information
- Deck evening and weekend parking permits are available for Parking 2 and Parking 3 decks. This gives access to the employee parking on Parking 2 after 1:30 p.m. and Parking 3 after 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Both decks are accessible 24 hours/day including weekends and holidays.
- Employees that are not on campus as a patient should park in designated employee parking areas only. This assures sufficient patient and visitor parking spaces for our patients and families.
- Employees and students: If you are in a UAMS visitor area as a patient, please don't forget to cal l526-PARK (526-7275) or click here to register your vehicle. This step assures you or a family member driving a vehicle registered in an employee's name from receiving a parking citation.
- Free parking is available anytime at the Ray Winder Field. The War Memorial Stadium is available Monday-Friday excluding any previously scheduled events.
- UAMS encourages our students and employees to be "good neighbors" to the surrounding neighborhood and local businesses. Students and employees should NOT park on side streets around campus. Please note the ADH ONLY marked spaces to the north of the War Memorial Stadium lot are reserved for the Arkansas Department of Health employees.
- Students and Employees should park only in designated areas served by the UAMS Shuttle, including the Ray Winder Field and the War Memorial Stadium lots.
Patient and Visitor Parking Information
Patient and Visitor Parking Information
Daily Patient and Visitor Parking Rates
Daily Patient and Visitor Parking Rates
Emegency Department Patient and Visitor Parking Rates
Emegency Department Patient and Visitor Parking Rates